Monday, March 5, 2018

The two landscape paintings displayed here were painted during a watercolor painting retreat on North Haven Island, Maine.
Our retreat was a week-long opportunity to paint from morning till night, and sometimes late into the night!
Each day we would walk about a quarter of a mile to the studio, and both of these views were on the way.
I was inspired by the beauty of the scenes and took photos. Then back in the studio, I took liberties with the colors to augment the lights and shadows I saw.

Friday, March 2, 2018

‘Body of Work: Series I’ exhibit to premiere at NHAA

Seacoast Online
Posted Mar 3, 2018 at 7:06 AM Updated Mar 3, 2018 at 7:06 AM


PORTSMOUTH - The New Hampshire Art Association is holding a “Body of Work Series I” exhibition during the month of March at the Robert Levy Lincoln Gallery on State Street. NHAA holds several “Body of Work” shows throughout the year to give its members an opportunity to show a grouping of their works as opposed to having one piece getting lost hanging among many other artists’ works. Artists are chosen by a lottery for each of these series. Artists included in this year’s first Body of Work show include Steve Genatossio, Shaune McCarthy, Maryclare Heffernan, Ree Katrak, Dustan Knight and Alison Huber-Jewett.
"Barn Etiquette"
Dustan Knight of New Castle is happy to exhibit a new series of paintings on a theme close to her heart, titled “Horse Show.”
“This series evolved over the years in response to my own love of horses and enjoyment of the local horse folks,” Knight said.
“My friend, Susan Follansbee, has been taking terrific photographs and is gracious enough to allow me to work from them.”
Her paintings are watercolors on paper mounted on archival panels and finished with many layers of UV resistant varnish. In 2017 Dustan’s first book, “Painting The Impressionistic Landscape,” was published by Rockport Publishers and is available at River Run Bookstore, Barnes & Noble and online.
Where: Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery’s Main Gallery
136 State St., Portsmouth
When: Feb. 28 to April 2
Gallery hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sundays from 12 to 5 p.m.


My Land, Your Land, Our Land

An exhibition of fine art by the Merrimack River Painters

The Merrimack River Painters are so pleased to be exhibiting at the Audubon Center this April. We have chosen a theme for our show that resonates with all those folks who love nature and share a curiosity about different places, wildlife and environments.
"Sunset Birches" Acrylic by Dustan Knight

Our group of twelve dedicated artists are committed to exploring what ‘means the most to us’ with creative integrity and passion. We have worked together as a group for more than 18 years and continue to inspire each other to grow artistically.

Some of our group collect imagery and themes from their travels, others sketch and paint from familiar locations near their studios. We all respond visually to the nuances and drama of natures’ landscapes. The exhibition will feature an exhilarating range of Nature’s encounters including backyard birds, cascading mountain streams, tundra wildflowers and muskox, mountain birches and more

Please join us for the opening reception, April 5 from 5:30 to 7:30, to meet the artists.
Particularly exciting, during the evening, is that we will be sharing our travel sketchbooks, answering questions, and telling stories of our unusual adventures sketching and painting in places all around the world.

Dustan Knight, Betsy Janeway, Jan Wittmer, Marilyn Eimon, Kathy Tangney Mary Ruedig, Susan Levenson, Bonnie Halsey, Claudette Gammon, Annie Lynch, Ann Saunderson, Terry Heinzmann.

Remember a portion of all sales goes to the Audubon Center.