Disasters and Catastrophes
By Ann Saunderson
"Ice Melt" |
I’ve been working on this series of paintings for the last
Initially I didn’t know it was about disaster. I was six
months into it when one day I noticed that these paintings, whatever the medium,
were indeed about manmade and natural disasters.
"Catastrophe" |
During this time, my husband was running for state representative
in our small town and so the news became central to our lives, well his life
"Firestorm" |
I really struggle with Donald Trump. I try to understand,
to make some sense out of what i going on in our country and the world with
him in the White House.
How did we find ourselves ‘here’, on what felt to me
like the brink of, dare I say, disaster!
"Damage Done" |
"Aleppo" |
Anti Semitism.
Cyber wars.
Etc., Etc.
"Under Pressure" |
I DO have a sense of humor.
MY life is good.
My biggest concern is what lies ahead for my three lovely little granddaughters.