By Ann S. Lynch
This Pandemic time of
isolation has encouraged me to paint more, as well as experiment with more
mediums, push the subject matter and go out on some creative limbs.
In a time of not taking
social risks, it has been a good time to take artistic ones.
These paintings are a
combination of watercolors, inks and acrylics done over the past few months.
They are all different
sizes and some are a different interpretation of the same subject.
It has been a fun journey
to help get through a tough time.
"Water Flowing Over Rocks"
The Wave, Acrylic, 8" x 10"
Abstraction with tape 21" x 28", Acrylic

Three 6" x 6" Acrylic Abstracts
Two Acrylic Abstracts 40" x 60"
A Walk in the Woods, Acrylic, 20" x 16"
Estuary Walk, 1 (Watercolor) and 2 (Acrylic) Both 20" x 16".
And 3 (Acrylic Abstract) Estuary Walk 40" x 28"
Flowers, Acrylic, 22" x 19"
Swimming with Turtles, Acrylic triptych, each panel 10" x 8"
Hope, Acrylic, 21" x 16"