Wednesday, September 1, 2021

 Besides the Pandemic

By Claudette Gammon

Here we are entering another September. After the last year and a half of the Pandemic, what more could happen?

That’s what I thought when January 2021 arrived, my thoughts were, “what else could happen”. And it did.

In April I had a day surgery for a female issue.

Then May 1st came. Well, on May 1st I had a stroke. Thankfully a mild one, but it included having a “Pacer” inserted under the skin, near my heart, to see if the stroke was A-fib related.

I stopped painting

I recovered by at least 99 percent. But I still couldn’t think about painting.

I was completely exhausted, had a hard time getting out of bed. Seemed as though I couldn’t get out of my own way.

We were planning a river cruise in August, and I didn’t know how I could make it.

Hubby decided we needed to go back to see my PCP. Perhaps there was something else going on.

We were able to see her a week and a half before leaving on our river cruise. Thank goodness, she took me off the high dose of cholesteral medication immediately. I started feeling better by the end of that week.

In the meantime, I was scheduled on the Friday before for a shot in my left hip. One in which I had been having problems and opted to wait till the week before our vacation to get a shot.

That morning I get a call at 7:45 am that the doctor that was going to give me the shot called in sick. I was a wild woman, the opportunity to be able to walk without pain on our trip was now not in my sights at all.

Wrote an email to the physician who recommended the other doctor and wanted some drugs to get through the trip. Instead the physician got me in to radiology to get the shot on Monday. I was very happy, waking up on Tuesday morning with no pain.

The point of all this is I did start painting again on vacation. Just a couple but it felt good to be at it again.

I certainly hope that is it for doctor visits for a while.

More paintings to come I am hopeful.