Saturday, December 1, 2018

Disasters and Catastrophes
By Ann Saunderson

"Ice Melt"
I’ve been working on this series of paintings for the last year.

Initially I didn’t know it was about disaster. I was six months into it when one day I noticed that these paintings, whatever the medium, were indeed about manmade and natural disasters.

During this time, my husband was running for state representative in our small town and so the news became central to our lives, well his life but…

I really struggle with Donald Trump. I try to understand, to make some sense out of what i going on in our country and the world with him in the White House.

"Damage Done"
 How did we find ourselves ‘here’, on what felt to me like the brink of, dare I say, disaster!

I remain very wary.

Forest fires.
"Urban Disaster"



Anti Semitism.


Cyber wars.

Etc., Etc.

"Under Pressure"
I DO have a sense of humor.

MY life is good.

My biggest concern is what lies ahead for my three lovely little granddaughters.